Quizzes and presentations
The German students watched the documentaries of the cycle "14 Diaries of the Great War". Then they worked in teams and their task was to make a presentation on the main ideas of the documentary, to draw a picture, to include a video clip, quotations, letter etc. and to make a role-play. Below, you can find some information on the documentaries.
www.wdr5.de/sendungen/tiefenblick/vierzehntagebuecher100.html en.wikipedia.org/wiki/14_-_Diaries_of_the_Great_War
1) Documentary "The Heart´s Desire" - Presentation
2) Documentary "The Onslaught" - Presentation
3) Documentary "The Anguish" - Presentation
4) Documentary "The Abbys" - Presentation
5) Documentary "The Annihilation" - Presentation
6) Documentary "The Home Front" - Presentation
7) Documentary "With exultation into the hell" - Presentation
8) Documentary "The Tipping Point" - Presentation
9) Documentary "The Uprising" - Presentation